Accredited certificate and degree programs are available through fitness schools that provide students with higher education and career training. Students can train for their desired career in the field by enrolling in a career preparation school. Fitness professionals are trained to work with a variety of people for a number of reasons. Students can learn the skills and knowledge needed to start the fitness career of their dreams. Degrees are available at an associates, bachelors, masters, or doctorates level of education.
Students can gain the accredited education needed to pursue a variety of careers. Employment opportunities allow those with a higher education to pursue careers in: Athletic Training, Personal Training, Fitness Training, Exercise, Physical Therapy, and many other professions. By enrolling in an accredited education program students can prepare for the career of their dreams.
*Undergraduate Degrees
Those who are looking to pursue an undergraduate degree in fitness can do so by enrolling in an accredited vocational or trade school. Undergraduate degrees are available at an associates and bachelors degree level of study. Students who choose to earn an associates degree can do so by completing two years of study. Once an associates degree is obtained students can pursue a bachelor's degree in the field. Bachelors level degree take students four years to earn.
Coursework will vary by level of degree but will consist of a variety of fitness related subjects. Areas of study may include courses in nutrition, human anatomy, wellness, first aid, yoga, stress management, physiotherapeutic techniques and more. Students can enter the workforce with an accredited associates or bachelors degree in fitness. Career options can include:
- Certified Athletic Trainers
- Fitness Trainers
- Personal Trainers
- Exercise Specialists
...and many other professions. By gaining an accredited undergraduate degree students will have the knowledge and skills needed to seek employment or further education at the graduate level.
*Graduate Degrees
Students looking to start a career in the field of fitness can do so by earning an accredited graduate degree from a technical or trade school. Graduate degrees include a master's and doctorates level degree. Students can obtain an accredited masters degree in the field by completing an additional two years of study. Once a master's degree is earned students who wish to do so can enroll at the doctorates level. A doctorates degree typically requires and additional four years of study.
Students will have the chance to study a variety of topics depending on their desired level of degree. Coursework may consist of studying massage therapy, CPR, injury prevention, medical terminology, exercise techniques, personal health, musculoskeletal injuries and many other courses based on each individual student's desired career and level of education. By entering the workforce with an accredited masters or doctorates degree students can pursue careers like:
- Physical Therapist
- Researcher
- Exercise Coordinator
- College Professor
...and other related professions in the field. With an accredited graduate degree students will have the training needed to succeed in their desired career.